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DocumentSolutions Fundraising page


I am doing something about it and helping Vinnies to combat homelessness in the Gold Coast by taking part in the Gold Coast Corporate and Community Sleepout. I hope to raise much needed funds for the essential services Vinnies that Vinnies offer.
I am honoured to be a part of this amazing event and helping a great cause, and I’d really appreciate your support in doing something about it.
ALL donations you give go directly to Vinnies, so click on DONATE NOW!
Thank you for your support and helping to make a difference!

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St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland

The St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) assists more than 296,000 Queenslanders in need with more than $25 million worth of assistance.

Everyday Vinnies’ 9,468 members and volunteers help those who are struggling to take control of their lives whilst restoring their dignity; providing a hand up, not just a hand out. The type of support delivered differs from region to region by but may include: Vinnies shops, support centres, child and family programs, drug and alcohol support, migrant and refugee support, home visitation and youth programs. It’s only with the help of fundraisers generous supporters like you that we are able to make a real difference to those in need. Thank you for your kind support!

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